21 years female with ascending weakness ( ? GBS, AMSAN)

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. 


21 year old female resident of farmer by occupation came with c/o 

-weakness of B/L L/L since 10 days

-unable to stand and walk since 10days

Pt was apparently  asymptomatic  5 months back.  As she recalls when she was walking through the fields as her daily routine noticed thorn prick to her hand which eventually  led to itching of the both hands and later to both the legs which later caused pedal edema in a span of 4 months they went to local traditional  healer and used their medication which on not subsiding they went to dermatologist 10 days back after which pedal edema was reduced and then later she noticed weakness of both L/L starting with tingling sensation progressing to numbness which eventually landed in weakness . On further asking the pt complained about tingling sensation in pt U/L . She also gives a H/O feeling of constriction in the upper chest region

No H/O fever,cough, cold, sore throat, nausea,vomiting, loose stools, giddiness

Past history - no H/O DM , HTN, asthma , epilepsy, TB.

Personal history  - 

Normal appetite 

Mixed diet

Bowel and bladder regular

No addictions


Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative and oriented to time, place and person. moderately built and nourished

No pallor,icterus,cyanosis,clubbing,lymphadenopathy ,koilonychia,pedal edema






Spo2:98% on RA


CVS:S1 S2 heard, no murmurs

RS: BAE clear, normal vesicular breath sounds heard,no added sounds

PER ABDOMEN:O/E soft, non tender, bowel sounds heard,umbilicus: inverted


Higher mental function 

Speech- normal 

MMSE - 30/30

Memory - intact

Spine - no abnormality and no local tenderness

Cranial nerves - intact

Motor system                         Right                             left


   U/L.         arm.                    25cms.                       25cms

                 Forearm.               19 Cms.                     19cms

   L/L.         Thigh.                  43 cms.                     43 cms

                   Leg.                       25cms.                     25 cms

Power.        Rt.           Lt

   U/L.         4/5.            4/5

    L/L.         3/5.           3/5


    U/L.          N.             N

    L/L.           D.            D

Hand grip.  80%        80%

Reflexes - deep tendon reflexes were absent

                  Plantar reflex is flexor on both sides


  Spinothalamic tract.                    Rt.                      Lt

          Crude touch.                          N.                        N

          Pain                                         N.                       R

         Temp.                                        N.                       R

Posterior column 

        Fine touch.                              N.                         Abnormal 

        Vibration.                                N.                          Abnormal

        Position sense.                    Abnormal.             Abnormal 


       2 point discrimination - abnormal 

       Graphesthesia  -  +

       Stereognosis  -     + 

Cerebellar examination 

       Finger nose test.                  N.                      N

      Finger nose finger.               N.                      N

      Dysdiadokinesia.                  N.                      N

      Heel knee test.                     Abnormal.        Abnormal 

      Tandom gait.       -       impaired     


After correction of hyperkalemia
After correction of hyperkalemia
Sodium- 140 mEq/lt
Potassium- 4.4 mEq/lt
Chloride- 99 mEq/lt

Guillian barre syndrome (AMSAN variety)


For potassium correction 

1. Nebulisation with salbutamol 4 respules/stat

2. Inj human actrapid insulin 8 units in 25%D/IV/over 30 mins /stat

3. Inj calcium gluconate 10%, 10 ml/IV over 2-3 mins/stat

Inj optineuron 1 amp in 1 unit NS/iv @50 ML/hr

Inj panto 40 mg/iv/OD

Inj Zofer 4mg/iv/sos
